Be the first to see our new art exhibition…

If you’re looking to go and see some amazing art in Bristol then TONIGHT you are invited to the launch of our new exhibition by Bristol-based artist Jim Starr for his 100th Show. This presentation combines new and existing works by Jim exploring themes of travel.

The genius of Jim Starr lies in his ability to beguile the viewer; his visual voice never shouts – it whispers, drawing you closer like a confidante. Jim’s love of travel flows through his images that are inspired by the likes of Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Jim Dine. We are proud to promote art in Bristol and in this exhibition you can expect to be delighted and challenged as East meets West, white trash nestles with glitterati, good versus evil and everything in-between…

‘Painter, illustrator and printmaker Jim Starr is returning to Bristol after exhibiting in London, Paris, New York and most recently Chicago, to hold his ‘100th Show’ at The Square this month. Jim – who has a home and studio in Stokes Croft – creates original, often complex works, each uniquely different and his new paintings and large scale ‘remixed’ screen prints reflect a lifelong enjoyment of bird-watching and wild places.’ – STATE OF THE ART, The Bristol Magazine, Issue 145, July 2016

Take a first look at some of the works below:

Art in Bristol


Art in Bristol


Art in Bristol


Art in Bristol


Art in Bristol


Art in Bristol

All artworks are for sale. Please contact Nicol Phillips with sales enquiries: // (0117) 921 0455