Winter Fundraiser Week!

Winter is on the horizon, and with it comes the Winter Fundraiser Week!

  • December 5, 2022 - December 9, 2022
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm

The nights draw closer and a chill carries on the breeze. Winter is on the horizon, and with it comes the Winter Fundraiser Week! With events and competitions that cater to everyone we hope to raise some money for the Marmalade Trust, the charity we are supporting this season.

Football fans will go wild for the World Cup Charity Sweepstake, while lovers of laughter will have a whale of a time at the Charity Comedy Gig, hosted by the Square Club. For those who enjoy live arts, we have the Christmas Poetry and Music Revue and film fanatics will adore our Friday Festive Film Day. If you fancy yourself as a master of lucky dips, we have the Winter Tombola running all week, and on Thursday the 8th will have our Snow Day themed Dress Up Day! We will be hosting the last Prosecco Thursday of the year too, with a winter spin, don’t forget to come to the Mulled Wine Thursday! (Which will still have prosecco for those bubbly lovers.)

Below is a breakdown of each event and how you can get involved. If you have any questions on how to get involved, please call on 0117 322 6635 or email us

Card & Cash is accepted for donations and ticket entries.


World Cup Charity Sweepstake
Launching on the 1st of November, in the days leading up to the kick off, people will have the chance to take part in the Square Works Charity Sweepstake. Entry into the competition is £3, with all the funds raised going to our selected charity, the Marmalade Trust. Then when the final match has been played, and the winner announced, the person with the victorious team will win a Prosecco Hamper!

Sign up at the Square Works reception for your chance to win and raise some cash for charity. May the best team win!

Charity Comedy Gig 
The Square Club’s comedy nights have been a smash hit, selling out every month since they began back at the start of Summer. For a special edition of Comedy at The Square, all proceeds will go to the Winter Fundraiser!

On Sunday the 20th of November, join us for a barrel of laughs at the Square Club from 20:00. Tickets are £5 from Headfirst. Book yours here!

The Winter Tombola
Running from the 5th to the 9th of December, this fairground classic will be the pride of place on the Reception desk.

At £2 a go, which can be purchased either by card or cash, winners can collect and check their tickets against our prizes display.

Dress Up Day
This time around, the theme for Dress Up Day is Snow Day. Whether you want to go all out and come as a snow-man or lady, fancy getting out the ski gear, or have a more slipper socks and cosy jumper approach, anything goes!

Mark it in your diary – Thursday the 8th of December will be the Snow Day dress up!

We ask that if you do take part and get dressed up, then please consider donating.

Over the last five fundraisers we have done here at Square Works, we have always done a dress up day. This themed day is something everyone can get involved with, and is to raise funds and awareness of the fab charities we support.

Mulled Wine Thursday!
On Thursday the 8th of December, we will be swapping the prosecco for wine, and sipping on the signature winter warmer, mulled wine. We will still have a good stock of Prosecco for those who prefer fizz, with the option of some festive syrups to add into the mix too.

This will be the last members social of the year, so we will do our best to make it a blast. (Not setting off Fireworks though, sorry for the misleading wording there.)

Festive Film Day
Some of the best school days were just before the winter holidays, and all you’d ever do is watch films and play games. As my dear Nan described my job as ‘running an after-school club for adults’, let’s embrace the notion, and have a Festive Film Day! We will do better than a school film day though, with comfy seating, popcorn and surround sound, it will be a film fans dream.

Running all day on Friday the 9th of December, drop into the Abraham Room for some festive film fun. Voting on the film choices will happen closer to the time.

For more information on any of these events or competitions, please contact the Square Works reception.

The Marmalade Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1174217
Registered Company Number: 10879370

Through their projects, they identify the people most at risk of experiencing loneliness in society, signpost them to the right support and resources and help empower them to make new friendships and connections. They also campaign, nationally and internationally to raise awareness about loneliness across all sections of society.

Any money raised will go to our chosen charity, none is used to cover the costs of the events or competitions