Squarely: Lee Ellis

By Sophie Yardley for Squarely Magazine Lee Ellis is a Bristol-based multimedia artist and one of Bristol’s great success stories in the art world. After graduating in 2006 from the University of the West of England’s Graphic Design program, Ellis went on to work in agencies and freelance. It was in 2019 when I […]
Squarely Inside: Carbon Art

By Sophie Yardley for Squarely Magazine I first had the pleasure of crossing paths with Alastair Gibson at the gallery opening of Studio 74, a contemporary art gallery nestled on Whiteladies Road. Their launch night showcased a remarkable array of renowned artists, including the likes of Mr. Brainwash and The Connor Brothers. Amidst these artists, […]
An Interview with Karen George

An interview with Karen George: How to make it as a professional artist. By Rachael Stone At the Square Club art gallery, we are passionate about giving a platform to local talent, whether they are new to the scene or established artists. The advice of other creators who have found success can be invaluable […]
How to Become a Professional Artist in Bristol

How to make it as an artist in Bristol You’ve perfected your unique art-style, created a portfolio of pieces, but what are the next steps for taking your artwork pro? Read on for our top tips on making a name for yourself! 1. Get your work featured locally Scoring an opportunity to feature […]
Our Top 7 Resources for Creative Graduates in Bristol

OUR TOP 7 RESOURCES FOR CREATIVE GRADUATES IN BRISTOL First of all, congratulations! You’ve passed your degree and the beautiful Bristol summer is here… as is the hunt for a job. If you’re looking to break into the creative industries as a new graduate, it can be tough to find a role that allows you […]
Street Art Exhibition – CopyRight Interview

STREET ART EXHIBITION – COPYRIGHT INTERVIEW Bristol is famous for its street art – you’ve probably walked past Park Street’s Banksy more times than you can count, and the Stokes Croft Donald/Boris mural quickly became the stuff of legend (or nightmare?!) But these works often pop up overnight and under cover of darkness – so […]
Artist Interview: Genevieve Caminade

Artist Interview: Genevieve Caminade Our current exhibition at the Square Club is Genevieve Caminade’s Interior Space that showcases abstract geometric paintings and fabric design by the artist. This presentation re-imagines what the interior space can be when approached in a bespoke and interdisciplinary way. See below our artist interview with Genevieve for more insight into her practice… […]
Upcoming Exhibition: Genevieve Caminade ‘Interior Space’

We are please to announce Genevieve Caminade’s upcoming debut exhibition at the Square Club – bringing together the two connective elements of her practice: painting and fabric design. This exhibition, titled Interior Space will transform the Square into a colourful composition of abstract geometric patterns. <img class="alignnone wp-image-29030 size-large" src="https://thesquareclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IMG_5093-copy-1024×497.jpg" alt="IMG_5093 copy" width="1024" height="497" srcset="https://www.thesquareclub […]