Lunchtime Talk: MindHarp

In this lunchtime talk, we will re-cap the key points from the 7th March session and dive deeper into exploring the range of MindHarp activities and how to use them as a regular wellbeing practice.

  •  March 30, 2023
     12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

MindHarp Wellbeing Practice: Finding a state of ‘flow’ in minutes with MindHarp.

In this lunchtime talk, we will re-cap the key points from the 7th March session and dive deeper into exploring the range of MindHarp activities and how to use them as a regular wellbeing practice.

Whether your preference is to be guided, be more active and creative or you want to blend energising physical activity with musical sound, MindHarp opens up options to relax, de-stress and re-energize at any point in your day.

In this session you will re-connect with your innate musicality and enjoy active creative musical play without fear or inhibition.

Visit the website:

See it and hear it:

Sign up at the Squre Works reception, or drop in on the day.



  • Re-cap of the main points from the previous session
  • Dispel myths and insecurities about our perspective of ‘playing music’
  • Let’s just do it… Active play to experience MindHarp directly
  • Guided tour of the MindHarp Gardens with experience of an activity from each Garden
  • If there’s time, live active group play with the audience: Possibilities for MindHarp as a team tool
  • Recommended ways to use MindHarp and Q&A